
Se vs Si

Se vs Si
Extraverted Sensing (Se)
Se is right there, in your face. If something is happening in the immediate environment, Se is into it.
Experiencing and noticing the physical world, scanning for visible reactions and relevant data. Being attracted to and/or distracted by changing external events. Adapting and changing your mind according to the situation. Focusing on facts. Asking lots of questions to get enough information to see the pattern. Going ahead and responding to raw data. Physical self-expression.
Extraverted Sensing (Se) is dominant in ESTP & ESFP and supportive in ISTP & ISFP personality types.

Introverted Sensing (Si)
Si is more about creating and maintaining an internal understanding of the concrete world.
Recalling past experiences, remembering detailed data and what it is linked to. Being heavily influenced by prior experiences. Distrusting new information that doesn't match. Assuming an understanding of a situation because it resembles a prior one. Focusing on facts and stored data. Giving lots of specific, sequential details about something. Rating and making comparison.
Introverted Sensing (Si) is dominant in ISFJ & ISTJ and supportive in ESFJ & ESTJ personality types.