
Fe vs Fi

Fe vs Fi
Extroverted Feeling (Fe)
People who use Fe are hyper aware of others' feelings. When making a moral judgement, ask themselves how they feel things should be. They often use the moral judgements of other people to justify an act or decision. They are accomodating of others' feelings, and making others feel good tends to be their goal. They tend to side with the majority, leading them to be the types more likely to act like sheep. They are sometimes bullies because they believe the moral code of the majority is the more important. It's harder for them to be subjective.

Introverted Feeling (Fi)
People who use Fi are hyper aware of how others make them feel, when making a moral judgement, ask themselves how they feel. They are always aware of how they would feel when treated a certain way. self actualisation tends to be their goal. They are sometimes selfish because they believe what they feel is the more important. It's harder for them to be objective.