
Keys to communicating with different types

Keys to communicating with different types based on Judging preferences:

1) Extraverted Thinkers (ESTJ, ENTJ, ISTJ, INTJ): cold hard logic and facts; extraverted thinkers will mostly not care about feelings and may find displays of emotions as irritating and irrelevant. Do not take anything personally as they objectify everything (including people) to make a point.

2) Extraverted Feelers (ESFJ, ENFJ, ISFJ, INFJ): compassion, consideration, empathy, anything that denotes that you are taking into account people's well-being. Extraverted feelers make decisions based on how it will impact people in general, not just themselves. Do not do or say anything that denotes blatant selfishness and disregard for people lest you enjoy being chastized.

3) Introverted Thinkers (ESTP, ENTP, ISTP, INTP): give them time and space to think and do not put forward comments without thinking it over for its accuracy. Introverted thinkers go into their heads to think thus they can be quiet for that period. They are not ignoring you. Do not keep yapping. Also, they love to check the accuracy of your statements. If you don't check them yourself, be prepared to be burned.

4) Introverted Feelers (ESFP, ENFP, ISFP, INFP): be very sensitive towards them and do not criticize them or judge them too harshly; introverted feelers take into account their feelings first. Once they perceive you as being too judgmental or critical, they will block you out and not listen to you. 

A lot of Fi doms score HIGHLY on Fe scale. So 2 is must for introverted feelers as well. The reason the 4) alarm bells would go off is because 2) is not happening. But 4) is also correct.