
Ne vs Ni

Ne vs Ni
"In short, Ni is about integrating numerous different (and often seemingly contradictory) interpretations into one total interpretation that escapes the confines of the unconscious assumptions made by each one on its own. It's about changing one's personal interpretation of meaning and significance in order to view an idea from many different conceptual standpoints.

Ni is convergent, because it takes many different ideas and looks for that which no single one of them can accomplish on its own--they all come together into one greater total perspective. Ni starts with a goal or problem in mind and then works backwards to determine the most effective way to unite all the different interpretations of that problem into the most effective plan of action.

Ne is about inferring connections between unrelated contexts to predict the next part of a larger pattern that hasn't yet been discovered. It's about leaping into the unknown solely for the purpose of potentially discovering some new combination of interesting, novel or fascinating ideas, actions or patterns.

Ne is different from Ni because it doesn't start with a particular goal or purpose in mind--it's focused on taking in the largest quantity of new information that we can, because the more random new contexts we have access to the more likely it is we'll discover something interesting that will strike others as novel or unusual. In this way Ne is divergent, because rather than attempt to integrate many existing interpretations into the most useful course of action, it attempts to suggest as many different new options as possible by leaving no stone unturned in its search for new patterns of possibilities for change.

Ne might see the next 6 months worth of steps required for 20 different options at once (quantity/breadth), while Ni chooses one of those options at a time and intuits the next 10 years worth of steps down that single path (quality/depth.) They can work well together because Ne can generate a lot of new options very quickly, while Ni is better at determining which of those options will work best and why."