First of all, i like it when everything’s clean and neat. I really dislike mess, disorder etc. and and i just can’t work in an environment where people just don’t clean up after themselves.
I trust my experiences. I think there’s absolutely no way of telling what will happen in the future, and that’s why i feel it is best to just move forward, and learn as you go.People say that my mood changes a lot. I have to agree, in a way, as my attitude is very much dependant on the emotional atmosphere. If someone’s yelling at me, i will yell back louder, if someone’s nice to me, i will be the nicest person ever.
I like to play the devil’s advocate, and i think that is why my nickname is the “Defender” or “Guardian”. I really dislike when others gang up on someone. No matter the circumstances, i will always attempt to make everyone see things from a different perspective.
I’m usually very comfortable with what i have, and it’s hard for me to trust new ideas, or plans, unless there’s an actual need for change. As Voltaire once said, “Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good”.
I am The Defender.
-Dominant Si-
Having a sharp memory for specifics, strong recollection of past experiences.
-Auxiliary Fe-
Makes speech appropriate for the situation, assisting people by impacting their feelings.
-Tertiary Ti-
Sometimes concerned with technical accuracy, can be pedantic about certain things.
-Repressed Ne-
Open to new ideas once they can see similarity to prior experiences.
Wants to concentrate on one thing at a time, not on their surroundings as a whole.
Thinks of moral issues as useless and doesn’t see their application to humanity.
Not caring what actions are pragmatic, giving others a false sense of direction.
Identifying insight as craziness, seeing connections that don’t exist, paradigmic thinking.